When to Seek Medical Attention After a Bee Sting


With summer here and the sun out, the bees are ready to be out too. Unfortunately, we’ll be spending more time outdoors as well. So, we’re likely to come into contact with a bee or two at some point, and by that we mean get stung by one. Bee stings can be painful but also generally harmless, although some situations may need medical attention. When should you seek medical attention after a bee sting?

General Bee-Sting Symptoms 

Bee stings involve venom being injected into the sting site and result in a red bruise. Sometimes the bruise will appear white, and both the pain and swelling is minor. If you’re stung by a bee you should remove the stinger and attached venom sac. Your fingernail, credit card or any other similar item should do the trick. 

Please note, it’s best that you don’t use tweezers, for they can squeeze more venom into the sting site. The symptoms from the bee sting should ease up after a couple of hours. For some people, their allergic reaction is a lot stronger to an insect’s venom. This can lead to much worse side effects, such as very large swollen bruises that can grow in size within just a 48-hour period.

Bee Sting Reactions That Require Medical Attention

If you notice your bee sting reaction becoming more severe and beginning to spread past the sting site, it’s time to visit the hospital. Some allergic reactions to bee stings can be pretty life-threatening and must get immediate medical attention. A serious bee sting allergy known as anaphylaxis occurs through:

  • Weak, rapid pulse.
  • Nausea.
  • Lip, tongue or throat swelling.
  • Dizziness.
  • Vomiting.
  • Fainting.
  • Diarrhea. 
  • Troubles with your breathing.
  • A loss of consciousness.
  • Skin reactions. 

Anaphylactic shock is the most severe bee sting threat. This is a life-threatening swelling of the throat and tongue, which can prevent you from breathing. It’s very crucial that you get to an emergency room immediately if in this situation with even one or two symptoms. 

To prevent symptoms of an allergic reaction to bees, consider using an epinephrine injector and still reach out for medical attention. If you’ve experienced several stings from a swarm of bees, be sure to also seek medical treatment as soon as possible. The venom may build in the body causing a severe allergic reaction. 

Remove Bees & Wasps from Your Property Safely

Pest Control Services can rid your home of any bees for your safety and health. Bee stings can be very painful and even cause allergic reactions. Bees, wasps, and hornets are essential for the environment but can become a problem if your property is overpopulated by them. Safely remove nests from your property by contacting Pest Control Services today! 

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